We’ve had a bit of time to dig through our deep vaults of live recordings and are making available selections for your listening pleasure.
New single: "Let's Dance" (RIP David Bowie)
We contributed our own version of "Let's Dance" to this fun and fantastic album honoring the late great David Bowie and benefiting the It Gets Better Project which advocates LGBTQ youth.
Thanks to the band, to the organizers, all the participating artists and to Miles Francis for the production.
More info here: http://www.letallthechildrenboogie.com/
Three questions with keyboardist Will Rast
What creative things do you have going on right now?
The Funk Ark: My Washington, DC based band, The Funk Ark has just released a new album on Ropeadope records, entitled "Man Is A Monster," (listen below) that we recorded in Richmond, VA in the spring. I think that it is the closest that we've come as a band to finding our own identity. The record features some of the best playing we've done, a
s well as some really fine guest appearances by drummer, John Speice (Grupo Fantasma, Brownout) and saxophonist Michael Kammers (MKGO, Man Man) and it was mixed beautifully by JD Foster, who's collaborations with the likes of T-Bone Burnett, Calexico and Alejandro Escovedo I am a big fan of.
Over the last year, I've worked with Fred Cash of The Impressions and his management on several occasions. In November, I'll be sitting in with The Impressions on a few dates. Recently, I've had a few opportunities to work with long-time Antibalas guitarist, Luke O'Malley, such as recording with EDM artist, GRiZ and backing hip hop star/culinary guru, Action Bronson. Can't say enough good things about Luke. It's always fun to work with him. New music for piano and group: I'm in the midst of getting a set of tunes together to perform on acoustic piano, something that I haven't done in a while and I'm very excited about getting back to the instrument of my roots.